Handle Temper Tantrums
Problem: Temper tantrums are part of normal development. Typically temper tantrums happen between 18 months and 2 1/2 years, with...
Are You Spoiling Your Child?
Problem: I have a baby, a toddler and a 5- year-old. All I seem to hear lately are warnings from others, “Don’t keep picking her up,...
Arguing in Front of Your Kids – Is It Harmful?
Problem: My husband and I often argue in front of our kids. When an issue comes up we bicker with each other without giving thought to...
Don’t Be a Poor Sport
Problem: My 10 year old son is a poor sport when he loses at soccer or tennis, his two favorite sports. After losing a game or tennis...
Boosting Confidence
Problem: We have 4 kids between the ages of 4 and 16. Giving them a confidence boost has been a challenge. They are all fairly sensitive,...
"Give Aunt Jodi a Kiss and Say, 'Thank You to Grandma"
Problem: As the holidays approach, I’m anticipating my 4 year old son not cooperating when it comes to kissing his relatives hello and...
Tips for School Success
1. Learning happens gradually, so your kids will need your help and encouragement throughout the school year, including, lessons on the...
Updated Guidelines on Infant Sleep Highlight Danger of Parents' Tiredness
This article-life changing for parents and infants- highlights new guidelines for parents, including, "The American Academy of Pediatrics...
It's So Important to Discipline Kids
Setting limits is hard, frustrating and time-consuming. But, it is an extremely important part of parenting. Parents who don't set...
Talking to Kids About - Terrorism :(
Dear Parents, In these difficult times with so much terrorism in our world, I offer these words to help children with their fears,...